Friday, September 3, 2010

I Spit On Your Grave & Italian Horror

Watched I Spit On Your Grave! last night. Have to remember to do a post on the evolution of torture porn and the "rape-revenge" genre. Basically, this movie is brutal, simple, and well-made for a grindhouse exploitation flick. It still has as many detractors today as in 1978, deriding it as misogynist filth. I want to take a look at what's really going on in this infamous "video nasty" and how its genre, once shunned to the porno theaters and grindhouses, has now seeped into mainstream horror/thrillers.

(from I Spit On Your Grave!)

Also in the world of horror, my boyfriend has been going through an obsession with Italian horror films since I introduced him to Suspiria. We've been watching them all. From The Beyond to The New York Ripper, Stage Fright and Demons. I want to eventually do a post on Bava, Argento, Fulci, and their genre, which in the U.S. was relegated to---you guessed it--grindhouse cinemas and video stores.

(from The Beyond)

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